Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"TrulY, gRadUatIon iS mOre thAn jUsT a CereMonY. !"

Graduation. . . Yeah, as we always heard that, it is the act of graduating student's or that one on whom as academical degree has been conferred and to receive a school diploma or degree. . .
Graduation, is more than just a ceremony, it is a time to celebrate your achievement's as students. It is the opportunity for you to enjoy the fruit of your perseverance in completing your studies. Truly, that graduation mark's the beginning of a journey to infinite possibilities and vast opportunities for each young graduate. In the bigger scheme of thing's, it is bigger than to declaration of commitment from both student's and parent's. It is often pledged by and learned from parent's that a school graduation whether it is elementary, secondary, or tertiary is the biggest gift they could give to their children, come what may. Inversely, well meaning children likewise declare that a school graduation is the best gift that we could give to them or to our parent's. Indeed to poverty, well that's not the case as traditionally well main problem but at least we've than our best just to study hard. It's not the main cause, but premise it's one of the most significant milestone in one's student life. . .
Well looking back to my experiences, it's so awesome to think it. Amazingly, I was face all the trials that was came on me. Well because I was always inspired and not expired to study. JejejE. ! ! ! And it was anticipated and thoroughly enjoyed the commencement that time. In pursue, while we are all still young guy'x just, "Aim high and dream big", so that for you to strive hard to reach your goal in life. The lesson's that I was have learned and experience while in school have an prepared for my bigger and tougher to face that challenges. Well actually I was also expressing now all my feeling's, it's because that we are now about to graduate. And always be real, so that when you come back '10 year's hence see also and share your Alma mater and continuously make a center of culture and excellence. . .
So "congratulation's and happy graduation" to all. . . Good luck. ! . ! . !

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

. . . "liMittInG yOuR cOnfIdEncE iN liFe ! ! ! " . .

n our group activity that was, doing a "MOVIE MAKING.! " And first is I learned and I discover much, like presenting a picture's in a movie type. And wOw, how nice to do a movie and together yourself will be challenge also, how for you to take an effect to make that movie so nice and presentable. And also putting a music on it, to make that movie "so perfect".! S o it's fun to do some movies, and now me? Absolutely I'm already encourage to be a " director in a movie", ' coz think it, so fun to do movies, wata warm and nice feeling. . . ja3.! Nothing wrong to "dream high", right. . ! ! !

Only the limit there or the problem is I can not put any other picture's or I mean a music 'coz our "WS" have no 'mp3 document. ! But that's not the big deal to stop what were doing that's not the main point, so easy. ! ! ! !

Well I addressed that surely as king questions for us to help our problem or main attraction, to our teacher and c'mates. ! ! ! So easy. ! ! je3. ! !

Moving on. . . I will be more aggressive and positively thinking person so that I can face that "easy" problem. ! ! ! So being confident is so very important, to all per son's, who have no confidentce in their self. So guy'x, be proud of what you are and be more strong for you to developed your confidence, in any challenge or some "extra_challenge". ! ! ! And life is going_on. ! ! ! Never_stop=). !

Monday, February 16, 2009

. . ."hAvnG fUn On 'JS pRoM". . .

J'S prom is an activity, during the month of February or the month of 'hearts. . . Well actually, exactly or before "Valentines Day", that were do in that, 'coz that is part of our curriculum in our school. . . Right? ? ?
Before that day, I'm so very excited for our 'J'S, until that day came I said that, "WOW! ! !, this is it Guy's.! So all things that I need is already prepared, but before that night came, first in the morning we are having a 'picture taking for our preparation for the 'J'S, to compile them as our project, so every body are busy "taking picture", and were all having fun during that time, and some of our pictures are "wAcKy" . ! ! ! ja3.!=)
And when the night came, all students splash with their new look, together with their presentable polo and gown's.! . . . And think about it, if this is our school uniform, "wOw". ! .,,, "hoping right" ja3, wata presentable school it is. . . Indeed to our 'J'S, well "time is gold", so I spent my time nicely and orderly. ! ! ! And wOw 'naman', theres a "block-out" effect pa, during that time exciting Guy's. ! ja3. !
And this is how I've done my time and also sharing my experience, during and before 'JS prom, wata fun it is Im going to take care and to treasure it In my heart. ! ! ! =HavInG fUn On 'JS pRoM=. ! ! !

Monday, January 26, 2009

bAd bEyonD coRrEctiOn,, eXpeRiEnCe.! ! !

On our past exam, that was the 3rd periodical test, for me frankly telling you that it was so hard, well actually that was only for me. The recency that I was learned this time is just simply what were taking up on the previous days. And that was exactly our test. . .
Well, in the meantime only the problem there is in the last part, cause I dont know if what Im going to do with that, but indeed to that, I just supposed to work it on my own, and the privilege there is for sure no cheat to be done. Well on that I admit that it was my fault, coz I did not review very well and just doing with fudge things. And that part was so confusing.
Moving on I will be an extreme well goodly minded person. And capable of doing test that I can do with out any incorregible that had bad beyond correction. But I just want to hint there that I would like to be a famous one person or a formerly well educated person. Exactly that I want to be, but regards to our test its all full of fun behind the hard questions. . .

Thursday, January 15, 2009

,.dReAminG abOuT wHiTe _cHristmAs=!!!

This pass Christmas, I'd enjoyed much wanna know why? Well its because first is I can now stop or test my mind in thinking thougths that not possible to done. Then the second one I can do my work or other things in our house, just like watching TV all I time I want and also I can now eat different kinds of foods. . . jajaja. ! ! ! But even we have a break in a short period of time, at least Christmas with a simple one. But well, because us we all know that the first Christmas was so simple so were going to follow that with a respect in "GOD". But I celebrate the Christmas with the enjoyable feeling. But unlike the other peoplevoyage everywhere, in me well it's not, so indeed only my priority is to stay in the house and spent my time with my loving family. But before Christmas time came I'm not expecting that i can receive a big deal gift. In case of that, the important is "LOVE" from my friends and my family, even I can get any gift. . .

So a very wonderful and warm feeling last Christmas and until now, and I'm hoping that all my wishes last year will come true in the up-coming 2009. So that's how I celebrate my Christmas. I'd enjoyed much, even I celebrate the that wanting to vacation. And to all readers of my
blog, greeting you a "MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR". . . !

Sunday, December 14, 2008

bLaMeNesS Of LegEnDarY peRsOn. . .

In pertaining to this w hart happen, well its so confusing in the exercise. 8, because its just like a maze, that looking forward to voyage in a right way. But its now legible all the unclear procedure that we've done before. I learned much this time, just imagine on the pass exercises that we are taking-up, more and more knowledge I am gaining. In reflection to what we established, were proving that we are in summit, that our determination to learn is possibly post there. I am proudly saying this, so that each person can appreciate and encourage them to study hard. Well going back to what last topic, in exercise 8, I learned how to put a color and change the size and the font and also regards to the next two exercises 9 & 10. Well I learned also about there, how to fill a picture or put an image on my work. But in our "W'S" we cant see the result, because is not acceptable or we are going to other "W'S" just to look it. So that's what I learned this time. . .
On the exercise 8, the midst there or the central part of the problem is I cant do it in a nice one, supposed to be the result was good and to subdue. But in the first time that I save, I am wondering if why the outer view is not well-recognized. I mean that the procedure I am following is in term of right, but I guess I will insert now my struggling attitude to try desperately and to make a viva or a n exclamation of goodwill. So that's my one and only problem then. . .
I probably treat that as a challenge and to systematized that by just what I tell to you last time, that to be a struggle person. Because one o f my fortitude or motto is, "try and try until you succeed". So I apply my knowledge then and not to disposed it by just any reason. So that was the exceptional of my doubt. And that's how I addressed it. . .
Moving on I will be more funk and have some groveling feeling. So that I can manage it all the time and also accommodate some weaken problem and to yield my unwanted knowledge to be the legendary icon for the next generation. . .